No doubt some of you will be wondering what is being done outside the Red Lion in Gerard Street.
This area will eventually be treated with street furniture to restrict parking as the Council have done in Phases 1 and 2 of the footway improvement works. The sort of street furniture planned for this area includes flower basket stands, bollards, cycle parking and benches.
One of the problems I see with this renovation is that motorists are parking illegally in Gerard Street. This is especially bad by KFC opposite where the pavement has been widened. I have therefore asked for a more vigilant service in Gerard Street to prevent this.
Illegal parking on pavements has been discussed at length on the Ashton Community Forum website, which I'm sure you read.
I greatly welcome the improvements to pavements and street furniture in Ashton. BUT street furniture alone will not prevent illegal parking.
You can put in all the street furniture and double yellow lines you like but you will never stop illegal parking unless the parking laws are enforced. That is the crux of the problem -insufficient enforcement.
Yesterday there was a large delivery van parked outside the carpet shop opposite the taxi office on Wigan Road. Traffic was backed-up to into Liverpool Road and Warrington Road.
So on the one hand you want to attract business to Ashton but on the other hand you want to prevent their passing customers and deliveries from getting to the shops safely ,easily ,and quickly?
Good thinking Robin!!!
With regard the parking on Wigan Road by carpet deliveries, the same applies to outside the carpet shop in Gerrard St. I refute the comment delivery, safe,easily & quickly more often than not the carpet fitters are to blame at both shops its NOT just pick up & go its after the cup of tea and a long chin - wag with the owner . Don't both shops have a rear enterance ? Should the owner ( a Solid Citizan of Ashton )consider moving to larger premises rather than working from two shops were deliveries TO and FROM the shops ARE a Safety Hazard to pedestrians and motorist alike !!!!
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