Tuesday 25 August 2009

Stubshaw Cross - opening of the heritage garden

I am very happy to be invited to the official opening of the Stubshaw Cross Heritage Garden on 4th September. The garden will be opened by Mrs Florence Johnson and Mr Thomas Woodward who are two of the older members of the community plus two young members of that community.

Once again the Stubshaw Cross Residents Group have worked hard to realise a marvellous project which will be a great asset to their community


Anonymous said...

Have councillors Carney & Tushingham been invited as well? if not then that would be quite disgusting seeing that the residents group is supposed to be non-political....And as I was the person who discovered that it was the birthplace of the Stubshaw Cross and there would be no project without me it is petty minded of them to shun me just because I got fed up of the Barston`s continually critising me and controlling things.....Ray Davies...

Cllr Nigel Ash said...


I think these comments should be addressed to the Stubshaw Cross Residents group. I do not know who they have invited.

Fairplay said...

There would be no project without the hard work of the members of the Stubshaw Cross groups who researched, designed and gained funding for the garden. Nor have they sought personal aggrandisement for their work. As an observer I share Nigel's appreciation of their efforts.

Anonymous said...

Fairplay. Whatever you say or think .History will say that I,and nobody else put that project on the table and I still have the minutes to prove it...And I have done ten times more research than they have (AT my own expense)Their final design is flawed in several ways which I have highlighted on the WW thread. And finally I never looked for aggrandisement or I wouldn`t have walked away so easily.. And please have the guts to reveal your real name as I do....Ray Davies

Leigh, Lancashire Nationalist said...

Go on Fairplay why are you being so shy??

Albeit, this issue has nothing much to do with me, but, I do still take an interest.

And I do see you popping up in the comments section now and again in support of Cllr.Ash especially when he has his jackboots on and having a go at the British National Party!

What have you got to hide Fairplay?

I hope it's not another tryst within the high ranking Wigan Metro is it?


Gary Chadwick

Leigh BNP.