Following the campaign launched by myself and Ian McCartney to curb lap dancing in local pubs, residents together with representatives of local churches presented the petition to the Deputy Leader Davd Molyneux last Friday. At the presentation we were delighted to learn that Wigan Council has written to the Home Secretary backing our campaign.
This campaign has certainly struck a chord with local residents and churches. We received fantastic support on our street stall in Ashton town centre and the religious organisations in the area have been extremely supportive.
Both myself and Ian would like to thank everybody who signed the petition and especially those who took petitions to be signed in their own neighbourhood, churches and organisations.
If you would like more detail about the campaign or would like to sign the petition please contact me.
Sorry Nige,I read your blog often and am a Labour supporter but this sort of po-faced moralising makes me sick.I have no idea what a lap dancing club is like and will not be frequenting one but what consenting adults do with their own lawful time,money and free will is their business.
I think Cllr Ash much have too much time on his hands I thought Councillors looked after residents and not go seeing lap dancers I wonder if Cllr Ash has declared an interest in this issue. I guess I will read about it in the W.E.P.
are we getting value for money from Cllr Ash Mmmmmmmmmmm don't think so.
In answer to the above I would like to make the following points:
1. As a local Councillor I am duty bound to reflect opinion which in this case was expressed by hundreds of local residents who signed a petition to tighten up the present laws concerning lap dancing.
2. The aim of the campaign is not to ban lap dancing clubs but subject them to stricter licencing laws. At the moment any pub can have lap dancing on their premises as happened in a local pub recently. I think a lot of residents and especially women were concerned that this activity was happening in Ashton town centre.
3.This issue is a national one which is concerning many local Councillors in their areas. It was encouraging that the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith made an announcement at the Labour Party Conference this week that she was going to review the licencing laws regarding lap dancing. I will give an update on this at a later date.
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