Since becoming a local councillor I have campaigned for safer pedestrian crossings along Bolton Road. This road is nearly impossible for pedestrians to cross because from the town centre to Riding Lane there is only one pedestrian crossing. Otherwise you take your life into your hands when crossing this road.
With this in mind I was very happy to help a local resident Arthur Jones who has organised a petition requesting that the traffic lights at the junction of Bryn Road and Bolton Road should be converted to a pedestrian controlled junction and that the time delay between traffic stopping on Bolton road and traffic moving out of Bryn road be increased to give pedestrians more time to cross the road.
Mr Jones, local residents and myself presented the petition signed by some 200 people to Deputy Leader of the Council David Molyneux. I will be having a site meeting with a senior council official and residents in the near future to see what can be done to improve safety at this junction.
I often walk down Ashton from Stubshie and I always cross at that pedestrian crossing without any difficulty. Why don`t you come to Stubshie and stand outside the paper shop after 6pm and watch the idiots zooming down at 80 mph...I wouldn`t suggest a P.C. there because its too dangerous but maybe the useless camera at the bottom of the lane should be moved there .. The police would make a fortune in fines...
Thank you for this comment - I will pass it on to the Highways Department for comment and let you know.
Tippical selfish stubshier just because you can cross easy doesnt make it any easyer for old people the world is much larger than stubshaw cross yet they always have a veiw on these web sites not for the good of the community but for their own selfish ends. It may need some form of crossing up at stubshaw cross but dont pull other people down in attempt to get something for yourselves. It wont cost the earth to alter the already on site traffic lights and people got off their backsides and got a petition up not just moaned on a web site. If you want the same then you do something about it.
I am 72 years old so thanks for assuming I`m not old yet. Do cars go through that crossing at 80 mph?
Do you have cars parked up on both sides of the road? You have a crossing of some sort but we have nothing,yet you want to add to what you have by being able to stop the traffic any time you want and to hell with the increase in hold ups somewhere you sure I`m the selfish one. 200 signatures .? I`d love to see that list...Last year I got up a petition with 300 signatures and sent it in to Wigan Council...Result ? they claimed they never received it and ignored our request... Its not what you know its who you know....
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