Monday 29 June 2009

Town Centre regeneration - the next phase in Gerard Street

The next phase of the town centre regeneration will take place soon when contractors will be working on the only paved area yet to be renewed. This should start around the 13th July 2009


Debbie said...

Nigel can you please confirm that Ashton's Lift Centre scheme has now been withdrawn? Also you could you explain the reasons behind it?

Cllr Nigel Ash said...

To the best of my knowledge the Lift programme has not been withdrawn. There have been difficulties in finding a suitable location to update the medical facilities in Ashton. There were problems of land ownership in the first preferred location on the land behind the Town Hall/Millingford Brook area. The PCT then considered the old police station in Old Road but that was considered unsuitable.

The last statement that I have seen from the PCT is that they are still committed to investing in Ashton to improve the medical facilities here.

Debbie said...

Thank you for the information Nigel.