Here are the answers to points that have been raised in previous postings
1. Will I leave the Labour Party and go Independent?
No to the first question despite recent events.
I have a problem with the concept of being an Independent politician. While they may be effective for individual issues within a community and do not have to answer to a party whip the fact that they are independent seems to stop them from having a coherent policy on major issues.
The situation in the Council chamber is a good example of this lack of cohesion. There are three groups of Independents- Community Action, the Independents and the Independent Conservatives. If you asked them what their policies on say education or any other major issues that effect most people they would all say different things. I even believe that within their own grouping they have different ideas. Nothing wrong with that but I firmly believe that people want to feel that Parties have coherent policies if they are asked to vote for a party and not be confused by them. Again I attended the Parliamentary hustings on Sunday night and even the two Independents there could not agree on policies.
2. Would I vote against the Labour Whip?
Yes if I felt that the issue under discussion was not to the benefit of the Ashton ward. Not long ago I campaigned strongly against development in the Stubshaw Cross and lobbied Cabinet to oppose the development which eventually was rejected. If this issue had come to Council I would have voted against it.
3. Why I don't use a local printer.
Well this is only partly true. I have produced two leaflets since March - one was produced at Douglas Printers in Wigan and the other outside the area. My out cards are also produced by Douglas printers.
My second leaflet was part of a national print run procured by the national Labour Party which offered considerable benefits to those local constituencies taking part.
I would also point out for a local election a candidate can only spend by law roughly £900 to £1000. I strongly believe that during a campaign the electorate should be contacted as often as possible within the permitted budget.
4. Roads.
Yes I do agree that there should be a four way junction at junction 25. I also support the scheme for the A5225.
5. I agree with the post about quangos and I am disappointed that more of these have not disappeared under this Government.
6. I have always been strongly in favour of a skateboard park young people of Ashton. That is why I suggested the scheme to the Township Forum in 2004 and that is why I committed a large amount of my Brighter Borough funding to the scheme at that time. For information a councillor's Brighter Borough funding is about £5000 a year. .
7 Police
I am waiting for the exact figures about how many police officers and PCSOs are detailed to patrol on Friday and Saturdays.
I would like to see more police at the weekends in the town centre. Together with the other councillors I have regular meetings with the police to discuss ways of reducing anti-social behaviour in the Ashton ward
And last but not least
I thank Alan for his comments about this blog. And so I say to all my readers - make sure to vote for me becasue if I am defeated this blog will disappear.